Monday, May 23, 2011

A Simple Recipe for Success

After observing many of my coaching clients, and understanding how individuals operate, I have realized that the simple recipe to your success is based on the following three principles:

1. Knowing where you stand with yourself:

Are you operating from a plan or blueprint, or do you get up in the morning not knowing how you wish to make the best use of your time? Planning in advance is one very simple solution that supports individuals to fast-track their own success.

2. Knowing where you stand with others:

Part of achieving success requires that you make time to meet up with others to conclude deals and to come to agreements on how you wish to work together going forward. Its critical that you get your prospects level of commitment should you wish your ultimate plan to manifest.

3. Ensuring that others know where they stand with you:

Its extremely important that you ensure that all important people in your life know where they stand with you. Be consistent in your actions, keep to your promises, and if you have employees, ensure that they know what their roles and responsibilities are.

Achieving success is all about adopting core leadership principles as mentioned above. Start setting the example and watch your plans take off :-)

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